Progression update

15. june 2024

I, Simon, have been hard at work with the API and frontend. So hard infact, that I can ensure you that Rina will return this summer! The exact date, I am not sure, but no longer than 12. august 2024 (my birthday hihi)

If you wanna see how much has been made on the individual parts of the server, check them out here:

/web/ and bancho server
Frontend <- (includes a list of things needed to be finished before the server reopens)


14. may 2024

Yesterday, we got a funny message from someone in our database. The message read, that they "unfortunately" deleted all data (user data, scores, beatmaps, friendships, logs, restrictions, flags, and much more) and required 1000 dollars for the backup file. We obviously won't do that, as we'd be getting scammed. We aren't sure how this happened and we can't be sure, as we disabled access logs, due to very poor decisions made years ago.

I backed up some data from the database, which included profile stats on vanilla and relax and scores on vanilla and relax. The downside of this backup is that I decided that friendships, achievements, beatmaps (which means all rina ranked maps), flags, logs, server stats and so much, wouldn't be needed and are therefore lost (the backup was made for ragnarok testing purposes). The backup file was created 10. October 2023. So all scores after that date, are gone. We will be using this backup file created 10. October 2023. To recover some lost rina-ranked maps and scores, we will be looking through discord messages and replay files.

I won't start the server with the current codebase (and I doubt Aoba would) as it's really old and clearly has a bunch of security flaws. When the frontend is done, we will officially switch to Ragnarok and start the server again. When this will happen, I am not sure, as I am heading into exams time and won't have much time for anything else. In the meantime, you can play on other servers, such as Akatsuki.
